Sunday, May 17, 2009

Here's to Ya Kid

Nothing to really write about on a political subject tonight, with everything that is coming down around us I know I could, but tonight is a reflective night. My third daughter had her baccalaureate and Seminary Graduation tonight and it turned me inward. How can I be so old? There was a slide show of the kids showing pictures from early childhood until his or her senior picture. Well, I must say my eyes started sweating when I saw my little girl’s picture. Where does the time go? This is a hard night, I cannot sleep. Let me tell you about this kid, kid?, young lady. She was broken at age four and now she is a shining star. Was it me that made her change? No. It was people that came into her life. It was people that came and rescued her from a life of nothingness to a life of promise. It was my wife for taking time and talking to her and learning about her and making her feel like a person of worth. It was people making her reach within herself and learning to sing in front of people. It was my wife teaching her respect and teaching her to be her best self and not accepting her limitations. It was teachers taking the time with her to build her self confidence. It was the saving grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ that reached out to heal her. It was the Spirit that comforted her in the terrible times of her life. It was not me! I made some decision that helped her, but it was other people that were the biggest influences on her. No matter what, I thank my good wife for teaching this child the meaning of being a good woman that would stay with her through thick and thin. No, she did not give birth to her, but she is her Mom. She is a savior to me and to these kids. They may not want to read that but it is true. I cannot express my gratitude enough. Because of her, she has a roof over her head, because of her, she had doctor’s appointments, because of her she has straight beautiful teeth, because of her she had birthday cakes, because of her she has traditions, because of her she has someone to call Mom, because of her she has a place to call home, because of her, she has a little brother and sister that adore her, because of her she has a future. Here is to my daughter and to my wife. Through it all, through the pain and uncertainty, I love them both. I love all my kids, but tonight kid, it is your night.


Kristine said...

That makes me cry. Make sure you print this out and give both Kaitlyn and Elena a copy to put in their journals.

Joyce DiPastena said...

This made me cry, too. Kaitlyn is one of my "special people". I know I only played a small part in her life, but I'm so grateful for that part, because she has touched and blessed my life, too! I love you, Kaitlyn, and am so proud of the young woman you've become!


About Me

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. My life, outside of work, is dedicated to building my community and working to build other's faith in Christ. I am married and a father of six children ranging in age from two to 22. Politically, I am an Independent voter because I cannot find conservative views from the Republican Party.