Saturday, April 25, 2009

Where Did It Come From, Where Did It Go?

The it, I am writing about, is the humility it took to build this Proud nation. Now that is an oxymoron, isn’t it? Look at the two pictures. Prayer today is scoffed at as a weak man paying respect to what? Some God that
does not exist? A God that knows so little that you cannot see Him? Some attack the very nature of God saying, “I thank God, who ever she is.” Barack Obama’s minister said “This Nation wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America.” Mr. Obama apologizes for our arrogance
as a nation. Apologize for what? Maybe apologize for not acknowledging that there is someone else that deserves reverence and consultation. General Washington knew that it took humility to build. Humility to realize that taking an idea and birthing a nation that would be a candle to light the direction of
hope, virtue, knowledge, charity, the ability to choose for oneself, took the guidance of Heavenly Father. Thus we say its praise, One Nation Under God. President Obama knows arrogance because of his own. Now, we are no longer a Christian Nation but a nation of citizens. The candle on the hill, built with humility, is now being shadowed by the bushel of arrogance of individuals that trust in the arm of man and shun the very notion of asking for guidance from a wiser more experienced individual, our Heavenly Father. Built on the knees of founding fathers in miserable conditions, shall we let her be shredded by arrogance of poses in lavish surroundings?

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About Me

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. My life, outside of work, is dedicated to building my community and working to build other's faith in Christ. I am married and a father of six children ranging in age from two to 22. Politically, I am an Independent voter because I cannot find conservative views from the Republican Party.